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How To Set Up The Nokia E51 VoIP Calling?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:42 am
by JodyGelb
Hi Guys,

I have model E51 for a year now and have seen the "internet calling" option in it but when I tried using it, I found out that its really complicated... The tutorial does not provide any useful information therefore I decided to turn to yahoo answers for some help with this ... How do I get it working??? Free calls using wifi would really be useful so if you have ideas, help me out!

Re: How To Set Up The Nokia E51 VoIP Calling?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:28 am
by Alex

On the Nokia E51 some of VoIP settings are hidden by default, and you will need Nokia's new VoIP SIP application.This application can be used to configure VoIP settings on your Nokia. You can create new VoIP profiles and modify the existing ones, and create and modify VoIP parameters and NAT/Firewall traversal settings and that are normally not visible on the device UI, such as codec settings and SIP domain-specific NAT/FW settings. It is also possible to save all the VoIP profile settings to a text file. It also enables VoIP over WCDMA which means you can make VoIP call over 3G Internet connection.